Keep Going
Do you ever feel like your energy is all swirly? I know when I get this way, I almost get paralyzed and I want to do nothing, but a few phrases ring through my brain in these moments:
“Keep going.”
“Do the next right thing.”
Honestly, these phrases annoy the crap out me at times, yet again and again, prove to be effective for me. I may be feeling swirly and just want to lie in bed, or sit on the couch, but then I get up and I take a shower and I get dressed. And guess what? I feel a little better.

After I am ready for the day, I might dip back into the swirliness, and if in those moments, I make the next best decision I can, things will be a little better. Maybe I decide to get a drink of water, or to talk to a friend, or to stop and journal about my feelings. Maybe I get out of my own head, and serve someone else. Nothing like helping someone else to get out of my own stuff.
The nice thing to note is that the swirly energy will pass. It doesn’t last forever. In another moment, you may feel perfectly grounded and happy and healthy.
“You can feel differently in different moments.”
The only constant in life is change. Feelings do not actually last that long. Lean in, feel the feelings, keep going. It will get better. It does get better.
Life is nonlinear. It’s normal to feel swirly one moment, then feel peaceful, then swirly again, and on and on. It’s all about the willingness to not give up in these difficult moments and to trust the process.
What do you do when you feel swirly? What helps you find inner peace in those difficult moments?